The Alvord Desert Mystery
Most of us are already familiar with crop circle formations mysteriously appearing overnight in many parts of the world, predominantly in...

Ancient Apocalypse: Finally in the Mainstream Arena
Perusing Netxflix recently I was thrilled to discover Graham Hancock's eight part docuseries Ancient Apocalypse. I have followed Graham's...

Ancient Tracks: Evidence of an Unknown Civilization?
The following article is an excerpt from the chapter Out Of Time And Place in The Myth of Man by J.P. Robinson. Evidence for the...

Both titles now available in hardback
The Alien Enigma was first published back in 2016, and finally after all this time I am able to offer both that title and The Myth of Man...

The Coronavirus Test Is Meaningless
The only thing that the Covid-19 test is actually testing is my patience.

Plandemic: The Covid-19 Conspiracy
Documentation suggestive of a pre-planned global pandemic is available to read. Could it be true that such a devastating crisis was manufact